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Current Week Product AVAILABILITY

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  • To VIEW * SAVE * PRINT the CURRENT AVAILABILITY in our traditional Excel and PDF file formats (with wholesale pricing and categorized by product size group), "Login for Pricing" under "Unit Price" below.
  • The CURRENT AVAILABILITY listed below is provided alphabetically by Botanical Name (switch to Common Name by clicking below).
  • For additional information about each plant, click on the plant name (this creates a new window containing detailed plant information provided by our extensive plant library).
  • To access our COMPLETE PRODUCT LISTING of the plants and sizes we grow, select "PRICE LISTlocated in the left margin (below "AVAILABILITY").

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING OUR APPROACH TO CREATING THE WEEKLY AVAILABILITY! In a continued effort to best serve our customers need for quality plants, we are now limiting plants listed on the weekly availability to ONLY THE BEST, either RETAIL READY condition (FULL PLANTS/bud and BLOOM) OR simply full plants (well rooted, full crown or 3+ stems) with NO plant condition noted.  The following outlines the 4 possible plant condition listings:

trimmed back - well rooted/healthy plant crown
no condition noted - well rooted, full plant crown or 3-plus stems

View by Product Group: 
Botanical Name     Common Name
Prod ID Ordered Name Plant Cond. Unit Size Unit Pack Price


184646 Salvia p. Ballerina Pink [large mauve pink flw; 18-20"] [PP29957] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
177631 Salvia x Crystal Blue [light sky blue flw;18-20"][PW][PPAF] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
185865 Salvia p. Evening Attire [drk bl flwr; drk grn lvs; H22"W26"] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
177643 Salvia p. Pink Dawn [violet flw w/black stem;12-24"][PW][PPAF] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
187916 Salvia p. Vanity Flair [sky blu flwr; H22"][PP32264] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
177655 Salvia n. Violet Riot [violet-blu w/drk purp flw;22"][PW][PPAF] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
178343 Salvia n. Wesuwe [early blooming purp flw;12-18"] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Salvia azurea

161003 Salvia azurea (Blue Sage)[azure blu flw;avg/dry;3-5'][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing

 Salvia nemerosa

184660 Salvia n. Bumbleberry [dark fuchsia flw w ppl calyx; 10-12"][PPAF] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
187277 Salvia n. Rose Marvel [dp pnk flwrs; H12"W12"]PP30118] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Salvia nemorosa

162399 Salvia n. BLUE HILL Blauhugel [sky blue flw;16-20"] Trimmed Back 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
116395 Salvia n. BLUE HILL Blauhugel [sky blue flw;16-20"] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
154684 Salvia n. Caradonna [violet flw w/black stem;12-24"] Trimmed Back 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
145853 Salvia n. Caradonna [violet flw w/black stem;12-24"] Retail Ready/Bud & Bloom 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
151754 Salvia n. Marcus [violet-purple flw;8"][PP13322] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
116412 Salvia n. MAY NIGHT Mainacht[deep purple flw;18"][PPA-1997] Retail Ready/Bud & Bloom 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
167356 Salvia n. New Dimension Blue [deep blue flw;8-10"] Trimmed Back 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
184696 Salvia n. Perfect Profusion [ice blue flw; rebloomer;16-20"][PW][PPAF] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
154696 Salvia n. SNOW HILL Schneehugel [white flw;20"] Trimmed Back 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
118240 Salvia n. SNOW HILL Schneehugel [white flw;20"] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
187899 Salvia n. Tidal Pool [vlt bl hoods;18-20"] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
185891 Salvia n. White Profusion [wht flwr; H20"W20"][PW] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Salvia pratensis

185889 Salvia p. Moulin Rouge [drk pnk flwr; H26"W30"] Retail Ready/Bud 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Scabiosa columbaria

182947 Scabiosa Blue Note (Pincushion)[lav-blu flw;grey-grn fol; 6-8"] Trimmed Back 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing

 Schizachyrium (syn Andropogon) scoparium

170365 GRASS Schizachyrium s. (Little Bluestem)[Branson blue strain;2-3'][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
170377 GRASS Schizachyrium s. (Little Bluestem)[Branson blue strain;2-3'][GN] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
163087 GRASS Schizachyrium Blue Heaven (Little Bluestem)[upright;48"][PP17310] Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
165085 GRASS Schizachyrium Carousel (Little Bluestem)[blu-grn fol;30"][PPAF] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
161326 GRASS Schizachyrium Prairie Blues (Little Bluestem)[blue-gry fol;36-40"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
178707 GRASS Schizachyrium Smoke Signal(Little Bluestem)[blu-grn;36-48"][PPAF] Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
172882 GRASS Schizachyrium Standing Ovation (Little Bluestem)[blu-gry;24-48"] Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage/NICE 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
122686 GRASS Schizachyrium The Blues (Little Bluestem)[blue-grey fol;24-48"] Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage/NICE 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Scirpus atrovirens

164775 GRASS Scirpus atrovirens (Great Green Bullrush)[moist/wet;5'][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing

 Scirpus validus

183178 GRASS Scirpus Validus (Great Bullrush)[wet;6'][GN] 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing


153788 Sedum Autumn Fire [rose flw;grn fol;24"upright;improved Autumn Joy] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
145762 Sedum Autumn Fire [rose flw;grn fol;24"upright;improved Autumn Joy] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
120303 Sedum Autumn Joy [rose flw;grn fol;24"upright] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
116589 Sedum Autumn Joy [rose flw;grn fol;24"upright] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
184749 Sedum Bundle of Joy [compact, wht flw; 10-12"][PW][PPAF] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
173922 Sedum Dazzleberry [lrg rasp flw;blu-gry fol ;6-8";grndcover]PP22457] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
180535 Sedum SUNSPARKLER Dazzleberry [rasp flw;blu-gry fol;6-8";grndcover]PP22457] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
177667 Sedum Lemonjade [citron yel flw;16-18";upright][PW][PPAF] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
173934 Sedum Lime Zinger [pnk flw;brt grn fol/red edge;4-6";grndcover][PPAF] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
182777 Sedum Little Miss Sunshine[yl flw;dk grn fol;4-6";grndcover][PPAF] Retail Ready/NICE 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
120999 Sedum Matrona [mauve flw;gray-grn fol;purp stem;24";upright] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
189316 Sedum Night Light [olive fol,purp stem, ylw flw; 22-26"; mounding] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
182789 Sedum Popstar (salmon pnk flw;blu grn fol;10-12")[PW][PPAF] Trimmed Back 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
186058 Sedum Pride and Joy [drk pnk flwr; drk grn lvs; H12"W20"](PW) Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
173910 Sedum Pure Joy [pink flw;blu-grn fol;10-12";grndcover][PW][PPAF] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
184751 Sedum Steel the Show [spreading mat, slvr blu fol;rosy pnk flw; 6-8"][PPAF] Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Sedum hybrid

189299 Sedum Back in Black [blk fol, wht w/red cntr flw; upright H20"W26"](PW) Retail Ready/Colorful Foilage 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
189304 Sedum Coraljade [grn fol,coral-grn flw;16-18";upright][PW] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
189330 Sedum Tiramisu [brnz fol,wht flw;18-20"; mounding](PW) Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Sedum kamtschaticum

185815 Sedum Yellow Brick Road [ylw flwr; drk grn lvs; rd stms; H8"W24"][PW][PPAF] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Sedum rupestre

155578 GROUND COVER Sedum Angelina [gld needle-like fol;3-5"] Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage 606PK 6 Login for Pricing

 Sedum spectabile

157552 Sedum Neon rose flw;light grn fol;24"-upright] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Sedum ternatum

183491 Sedum ternatum Larinem Park (Woodland Stncrop)[wht flw;6" fol;shade gcver] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing

 Senecio aureus

150638 Senecio aureus (Golden Ragwort)[yel flw;serrated leaf;moist sunshd;12"][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing

 Senecio (syn Packera) obovatus

149017 Senecio obovatus (Squaw-weed) [yel;dry shd;4-6"fol;12-18 w/ flw][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing

 Sesleria autumnalis

172533 GRASS Sesleria autumnalis (Autumn Moor) [sun/pt shade;dry/avg;8-12"] 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Silphium terebinthinaceum

178654 Silphium terebinthinaceum (Prairie Dock)[ylw flw;gn fol;3-10';sun; avg][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing


186175 Solidago Little Lemon Dansolitlem [moist sun; ylw flr; H18"W24"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
186163 Solidago Solar Cascade [dry sun; drnd soil; ylw flr; H36"W24"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Solidago rigida ssp humilis

189342 Solidago Golden Rockets (Goldenrod)[ylw flw; compact ;24"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Solidago rugosa

188367 Solidago Fireworks (Goldenrod)[arching gld flw;avg/wet;36-48"] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
145774 Solidago Fireworks (Goldenrod)[arching gld flw;avg/wet;36-48"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Solidago sphacelata

119990 Solidago Golden Fleece (Dwarf Goldenrod)[arching gold flw;18-24"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Sorghastrum nutans

157021 GRASS Sorghastrum nutans(Indian)[upright blu-grn fol;2-3'avg/dry;[GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
189005 GRASS Sorghastrum nutans Golden Sunset [more upright; gn fol w gold/ylw flw Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Spigelia marilandica

185994 Spigelia m. Little Redhead [drk rd flwr; drk grn lv; H28"W24"] Retail Ready/Bud & Bloom 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
189354 Spigelia m. Ragin Cajun [org-red flwr; drk grn lv; H24"W24"] Retail Ready/Bud & Bloom 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Sporobolus heterolepis

148202 GRASS Sporobolus heterolepis (Prairie Dropseed) [avg/dry;2-3'][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
123594 GRASS Sporobolus heterolepis (Prairie Dropseed) [avg/dry;2-3'][GN] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
176606 GRASS Sporobolus heterolepis Tara(Prairie Dropseed)[avg/dry;compact;18-24"] Retail Ready/Nice 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
163099 GRASS Sporobolus heterolepis Tara(Prairie Dropseed)[avg/dry;compact;18-24"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Stachys byzantina

176151 Stachys Fuzzy Wuzzy (Lamb's Ears)[lav flower;fol:8" fol;14-16" w/ flw] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
116668 Stachys Helene von Stein/Big Ears (Lamb's Ears)[no flower;8-10"] Retail Ready/Colorful Foliage/NICE 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Stachys monieri

154749 Stachys Hummelo (Betony)[rose-lav flw; text green leaf,18-24"][PPA 2019] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
151950 Stachys Hummelo (Betony)[rose-lav flw; text green leaf,18-24"][PPA 2019] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Stachys officinalis

175061 Stachys Densiflorus (Dwarf Betony)[lav-pnk flw;grn text fol;8-10"] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Stokesia laevis

128202 Stokesia Honeysong Purple (Stoke's Aster)[dark purple flw;14"] [PPAF] Retail Ready 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing
153245 Stokesia Peachie's Pick (Stoke's Aster)[long-bloom lav-blue flw;12-18"] Retail Ready/Bud & Bloom 6" (#1) 1 Login for Pricing

 Stylophorum diphyllum

149031 Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine Poppy)[yel flw;avg/wet;12-18"][GN] Retail Ready 4.5" (1qt) 10 Login for Pricing
View by Product Group: 
Botanical Name     Common Name