A Grow Native! professional tour visits the Alpine Shop located in downtown Kirkwood. The Alpine Shop landscape features native plants supplied by Bohn's Farm and Greenhouses. (Photo credit: Robert Weaver, The Gateway Gardener Magazine)
Bohn's Farm and Greenhouses strives to produce, within a managed production nursery setting, the most extensive selection of Midwest native perennials found in the lower Midwest. Our extensive selection of ecotype species and landscape "nativars" are grown in a variety of container sizes to suit the needs of both the landscape professional and the retail merchant. Special production emphasis in recent years includes native species required for constructing rain gardens, bioswales, and stormwater detention and retension infrastructures according to the "St.Louis County Phase II Stormwater Management Plan" and "Sustainable Practices" adopted by the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD).
Bohn's Farm wishes to extend a sincere thank you to the Shaw Nature Reserve team for their educational assistance to expand our knowledge of native plants via their educational programs and ongoing development and management of The Whitmire Wildflower Garden.
An active member since the inception of the program, Bohn's Farm also values association with the Grow Native! a native plant awareness program jointly managed by the Missori Department of Conservation and Missouri Department of Agriculture.
Bohn's Farm RESPONSIBLE CODE OF CONDUCT: All native plants we offer are propagated from seeds responsibly collected or vegetative cuttings from controlled nursery-produced stock plants. We DO NOT purchase propagated materials from plant material collected in the wild.
Helianthus occidentalisSunflower, Western
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Heliopsis helianthoidesSunflower, Ox-Eye
Golden yellow daisy-like flowers bloom for weeks in summer and make good cut flowers. Seed heads are attractive to songbirds. Pinch for shorter, bushier plants.
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Heliopsis helianthoides 'Sunstruck'Sunflower, False
ariegated Heliopsis have long been popular in the perennial landscape, and ‘Sunstruck’ fills the spaces at a much shorter height. 2” large, golden yellow flowers appear above the cream and green variegated foliage even earlier than typical Heliopsis, and blooms all through summer until fall. Compared to ‘Loraine Sunshine’, ‘Sunstruck’ is more compact, has more ray florets and a deeper flower color.
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Heuchera americana 'Dale's Strain'Coral Bells
Unique silver-blue marbled foliage accented by white flowers on long panicles in May and June. Excellent drought tolerant ground cover. Foliage display is amazing!
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Heuchera richardsoniiAlum Root
Clump forming green foliage forms rounded mound. New foliage has some white mottling or purple blush. Tiny, greenish flowers on slender stems 18-24" above foliage in May and June. Very winter hardy.
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Hibiscus 'Vintage Wine'Hibiscus, Hardy
Near-black buds open to huge 7", scarlet red flowers that shimmer in the sun with a darker red eye. The overlapping petals of ‘Vintage Wine’ have a crinkled texture and open completely with minimal cupping. Flowers are produced from the top to the bottom of the plant, rather than only at the top like some older cultivars.
Dark green, heart-shaped leaves form a densely upright, columnar clump. Use this incredibly dense variety as a focal point in your sun garden.
‘Vintage Wine’ differs from ‘Cranberry Crush’ with the shape of its leaves, the tone of flower color (a warmer red), and the density of its plant habit.
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Hibiscus lasiocarpusHibiscus, Rose Mallow
White or pink flowers with red centers grow 4 to 5 in. across. Flowers open for many weeks in July through October.. Large fuzzy leaves and a shrublike form give this plant substantial bulk in the landscape. Plants generally break dormancy late in spring so be patient. Tolerates some shade but flower production is best in full sun. Tolerates heat and humidity.
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Hydrangea arborescensHydrangea
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